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  The Olympics are a global event that celebrates competition. Although it falls short of really capturing every major global sport, it is the culmination of determination, perseverance, and dedication for some many athletes who train for years to succeed at something that only comes ones every 4 years.  The Olympics is also a major global event for many global brands. For 2 weeks, advertising executives and brand leaders will have the attention of tens of millions of viewers watching consistently the same event.  That is a priceless opportunity that the IOC and others put a price on to fund part of the cost of the games. Keyword part because the games may have value that is hard to calculate at the moment, but it has real costs for the host city well beyond those 2 weeks.  Please experience my podcast episode above where I discussed another successful outing for Team USA, ideas on how we could get even more medals, and the business side of the Olympics. 


    The movie theater experience is still a thing to do for entertainment in our society and will continue to be for quite sometime. There is nothing like the smell of movie popcorn and the butter mixture with coconut oil.  That being said, the experience can be improved to help theaters compete with the stay at home experience that comes with the convenience of being in the comforts of your own home.  Please click on my image to experience my recent review of the movie theater industry and what I think can help it thrive in the future. 


  Every large corporation and medium sized business started off as a small business. From humble beginnings, many giant multinationals rise to dominate their industry.  In this podcast episode, the topic of small business is discussed, using a few real life examples. Also, ideas are offered on how to help small business sustain and compete.  Please experience the featured podcast episode above. 


   The NBA will soon finalize its massive television package that will yield nearly seven billion dollars a year to the league, which will drive up team revenues and player salaries. For many, the picture seems positive considering many potential challenges the league was facing in terms of declining ratings. But not all team owners are ecstatic over the pending influx of wealth heading their way.  James Dolan, owner of the New York Knicks, the New York Rangers, and Madison Square Garden and related properties, made his feelings known that he is not a big supporter of the new television deal. Primarily, the potential impact he predicts it will have on regional sports networks, the level of funds shared by large market teams to small market teams, and the future of the league as he sees it. The controversial owner has been at odds recently with the league office, but are his concerns legitimate?  Part of the properties that he owns is the regional sports network known as MSG, which is t


  I truly believe that the vast majority of people who go into business, whether starting one of their own or seeking to run an existing business, do so because they want to do good for society, for the consumer, or simply for themselves or family. And that was the avenue to achieve that. Still, there are always some bad apples in the bunch at times. The Wall Street Journal recently published an investigative report where they uncovered $50 billion in Medicare Advantage claims that large insurers received for claims that seemed really questionable. Basically, insurers are being accused of submitting diagnoses for reimbursements that are in addition to what the primary care provider or the patient were aware of. Some were deemed impossible like claims for return of cataracts in diabetic patients because the replacement procedure prevents reoccurrence. Personally, I was unaware that an insurance company could add diagnoses not made by a doctor in this manner. I knew they confirmed the ap


A look at the market leader for sports news from a competitive perspective. What makes them special. What opportunities do they offer their competitors? And what could be in this space. There are many players in this space, but one clear cut leader of the pack.


    The worst position to be in as a job candidate is to have to accept a job offer where the situation is not beneficial to your needs or wants. That is why many professionals go to great lengths to save money and build nest eggs so that the next go around they are able to select an opportunity that is a step up from their current situation. I am not sure there is anyone who really viewed the Los Angeles Lakers head coaching position as a step up for Dan Hurley than what he already had at the University of Connecticut. The financial offer reflected that in many ways. The appeal is going from coaching in the college ranks to joining an prestigious NBA franchise was there, but it was not in the greatest position for future stability. Not sure the potential for being through a rebuild in 2 years was more appealing that chasing a 3-Peat. The Lakers are a great franchise with one of the greatest players ever on the roster and another superstar to build around. The problem is they will only


    The interesting aspect of investing is the fact that many different strategies may work at the same time. Despite what some may view as hard and fast rules for achieving growth, there are some who can go against the grain and profit.   In life and in financial markets, I generally prefer to go the path of the higher probability and calculated risk. Understanding what the underlying value of an asset is and making reasonable projections of the direction the asset will go over the next quarter or so.  Chasing fads may prove useful for some, but the timing required and tolerance for volatility is not always worth it. Like the roller coaster that is crypto and the meme stock market.  Please click on my image to experience more on this topic. Not financial advice


  Entertainment value matters. In the market for news content, traditional journalists seem to cringe at the inclusion of content creators bringing what one could call news entertainment into the marketplace.  For example, there are many articles recently about ESPN, commenting on what some are saying is a transition from sports journalism to sports entertainment. The argument being used to protect the careers of longtime journalists who are losing their spots in favor of voices that the market is deeming of greater value to them.  The market should always decide the outcome and it is the providers' responsibility to create a product that meets the interests and needs of the consumer.  Please listen to my commentary on the news industry and why there is a need to entertain while informing.